Trigger Finger: How PT Can Help You Find Relief

Carpal Tunnel

Trigger Finger is a condition with the hand often diagnosed as stenosing tenosynovitis.

What is trigger finger?

Most commonly, trigger finger occurs in the index finger, but it can involve any of the fingers. Trigger finger can be caused by any activities that cause you to over-grip. This can include any activity with an excessive flexion of the fingers, such as physical therapists who perform manual therapy, massage therapists, etc.

What causes trigger finger?

There are muscles that run through the hand and connect to tendons at the joints of the finger. If the muscles of the hand become strained from overuse or consistent over gripping, it can cause the tendon and the tendon sheath (the casing that surrounds the tendon) to be enflamed.

In addition to overuse or over gripping, trigger finger can also be caused from:

  • –inflammatory diseases (e.g., rheumatoid arthritis)
  • –infection
  • –strain

What are the symptoms of trigger finger?

If you’re experiencing trigger finger, symptoms include:

  • –pain when extending or flexing your finger
  • –swelling in the muscles of the hand/fingers
  • –overall hand pain

If these symptoms go unresolved or if you continue to have chronic issues, it can become a trigger finger. This occurs because everything hardens and scars down and your finger starts to curl. You might hear a clicking sound when you try to extend it.

Trigger Finger Physical Therapy Treatment

At Rebalance, we use hands-on manual techniques to help relieve the muscles of the hand and trigger finger symptoms. We do this by mobilizing the tendon and relieving the scar tissue of the hand. It’s important to work on the myofascia of the hand, the scar tissue of the tendon and start to get the hand moving properly.

After the manual work, it’s important to add on stretching and strengthening exercises for the hand to get proper muscular support.

Are you suffering from Trigger Finger? Click here to schedule a complimentary phone consultation to discuss your symptoms with one of our physical therapists.

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