Clinic Policies

General Patient Policies

These policies are in place to better serve you – our patient.

Payment for Services

Payment is due upon arrival for the date of service.

We will respect your time, Please respects ours.

Do not be late. If you are more than 10 minutes late to your appointment you will be asked to reschedule as it interferes with next patients appointment.Understand that your appointment time is saved specifically for you and if you are late you affect your therapy, but you also negatively affect other patients who arrive promptly.

Give 48-hour notice for any cancellations: We ask that you provide a minimum of 48 hours notice that you are canceling your appointment so we may schedule a patient that would like to get treatment. If you call to cancel and do not give the 48 hours notice a fee will likely be assessed.

No-shows are bad: We understand that things happen. If you are unable to keep your appointment, please call and let us know. Simply not showing up and not calling within 48 hours of the missed appointment to notify us you plan to attend future appointments, we will cancel them. If you do not show up then a fee will apply.

Turn cell phones OFF: If you must have your cell phone on for emergency purposes only, please put it on vibrate and keep calls to a minimum. Both your time and the therapists time is important. Please respect this by holding off on calls until your therapy is over.

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