Philadelphia and Narberth Main Line Pelvic Pain Treatment Physical Therapists

What is the pelvic floor?

The pelvic floor is a network of muscles, tendons, and ligaments that help support organs such as bladder, uterus and bowels. These muscles play an important role a healthy sex life, urinary function and bowel control.


Common Pelvic Pain Symptoms.

Pelvic Pain is generally described by many medical providers as pain around the lower abdominal region. Pelvic pain can cause many different signs and symptoms including:

  • Upper/lower abdominal pain, hip pain, back pain
  • Perineal and tailbone pain
  • Burning, sharp, shooting, stabbing pain
  • Pain with sitting (but eases when sitting on a toilet)
  • Pain with prolonged standing
  • Vagina, labial, scrotal, penile, anal itching, burning or numbness
  • Testicular heaviness/ tightness
  • Rectal/ vaginal pressure (feeling of an object like a golf ball in the rectum/vagina)
  • Urinary frequency/urgency/burning
  • Urinary hesitation
  • Urethral spasm/pain
  • Pain with penis or tampon insertion
  • Pain with gynecologic exams
  • Decreased sexual function
  • Erectile or ejaculatory dysfunction
  • Deep pelvic pain with intercourse
  • Throbbing ache after intercourse
  • Lower abdominal discomfort with intercourse
  • Clothing intolerance
  • Pain during and after a bowel movement
  • Constipation

Diagnoses associated with pelvic pain and pelvic floor dysfunction can include:

  • Vulvadynia/Vulvar Vestibulitis
  • Hypertonic Pelvic Floor Syndrome
  • Interstitial Cystitis
  • Endometriosis
  • Coccydynia
  • Pudendal Neuralgia
  • Proctagia Fugax
  • Levator Ani Syndrome
  • Constipation

We specialize in both female pelvic pain and male pelvic pain syndrome.

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