Vaginismus and Intercourse: Why It Feels Like There’s a Wall in your Vagina

Many of our patients come to us complaining about what feels like a block in their vagina during intercourse. Often it feels like their partner can’t achieve penetration past a certain point. There is usually also pain with inserting a tampon and during gynecological exams.

What’s Causing This Block?

This block is likely caused by a condition called Vaginismus. Vaginismus is basically a spasming of the muscles in your vagina, which are part of the pelvic floor. Just like any other muscle, the muscles of the pelvic floor can contract and relax. Sometimes these muscles can become spasmed and tight and can make insertion difficult.

The muscles of the pelvic floor line the bottom of the pelvis. When these muscles spasm, it makes the holes of the vagina and rectum smaller and make it difficult for anything to enter. This is why you might be having trouble with your partner entering inside of you or getting a speculum in for a gynecological exam.

Vaginismus Treatment

According to, two women in 1000 experience vaginismus, however that number could be higher. Many times, women don’t seek help or are given an incorrect diagnosis.

If you’ve seen your gynecologist and they’ve ruled everything out, vaginismus is likely the culprit. These muscles need to be worked on and released by a holistic pelvic floor physical therapist. If you’re experiencing these symptoms, click here to schedule a complimentary phone consultation to discuss treatment options with one of our therapists. 

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