Rotary Core Control Exercises

Plank is a great way to develop core strength. However, adding in some variations can help develop a whole other dimension of core control that can help support your every day movement as well as enhance your running stability, yoga practice or gym workout.

Plank Variations for Core Control

We often think of standard planks as straight arms with shoulders over wrists and legs extended straight back. However, you can also work on your core control by alternating your arms and legs. Here are some exercises to try:

Lifting One Arm

  1. 1. Start on your elbows and knees or hands and knees
  2. 2. Take one arm out to the side
  3. 3. Maintain a table top position and try to maintain the balance of weight in your legs and other arm
  4. 4. Switch sides

Lifting One Arm and One Leg

  1. 1. Start on your elbows and knees or hands and knees
  2. 2. Extend one arm out to the side and lift/extend the opposite leg
  3. 3. Maintain a table top position and try to maintain the balance of weight in your other leg and arm
  4. 4. Switch sides

Extend One Leg

  1. 1. Start on your elbows and knees or hands and knees
  2. 2. Lift and extend one leg back
  3. 3. Maintain a table top position and try to maintain the balance of weight in your other leg and arms
  4. 4. Switch sides

With each variation notice:

  • –Does the weight shifts when you lift your arm or leg?
  • –Does your pelvis start to dip?
  • –Do the headlights of your pelvis (bones in the front) stay facing the floor?
  • –Are you able to maintain control?

These exercises are a great addition to your plank routine. This can help you develop your rotary control, which is helpful for your running stability, yoga program and general movement throughout the course of your day. 

Interested in developing more core strength? Click here to schedule a complimentary phone consultation to discuss your symptoms with one of our physical therapists

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