Pain When Sitting: Exploring the Top 3 Reasons and Treatment Options

pain when sitting

Lets Discuss the Top 3 Reasons You Have Pain When Sitting:

Do you experience discomfort or pain when sitting for long periods of time? Living with pain while sitting can greatly impact your daily life, but the good news is that there are effective treatment options available to help you find relief and improve your quality of life.

This is a common issue that affects many people and can significantly impact their daily lives. In this blog post, we will discuss three possible reasons behind your pain with sitting and what you can do about it. 

1. Pudendal Neuralgia

One possible reason for your pain with sitting could be pudendal neuralgia. This is a chronic pain condition that involves the pudendal nerve, which provides sensation and motor function to the skin and muscles of the pelvic floor. Pudendal neuralgia can be caused by a variety of factors, such as trauma (falling on your tailbone, childbirth, pelvic surgery) or nerve irritation (intense repetitive physical activity, straining due to constipation, prolonged sitting).

Common symptoms of pudendal neuralgia include pain around the clitoris, labia, vagina, penis, urethra, perineum, anus, or rectum. This pain can also be felt into the buttocks, legs, and feet, and can be described as burning, shooting, aching, raw, itching, or electric shock. Patients may also experience bladder, bowel, or sexual issues, and painful sitting (potential relief with sitting on a cushion or toilet seat).

2. Ischiogluteal Bursitis

Another possible reason for your pain with sitting is ischiogluteal bursitis, a type of hip bursitis pain also known as “sits bone pain”. It can be caused by chronic and persistent irritation of the bursa underneath the ischial spine (sits bone).

Common symptoms of ischiogluteal bursitis include pain in the region of the ischial tuberosity, which may also radiate to the lower leg. Pain is aggravated by prolonged sitting, tenderness may occur over the ischial tuberosity, and patients may experience swelling and limited mobility. Inability to sleep on the affected hip is also common.

3. Pelvic Floor Dysfunction

A third possible reason for your pain with sitting is pelvic floor dysfunction. The pelvic floor is a group of muscles at the base of your pelvis that holds up your pelvic organs (bladder, rectum, and uterus in women). It functions in urination, bowel movements, and sexual function, as well as core stabilization.

Pelvic floor dysfunction occurs when the pelvic floor muscles have difficulty coordinating movements, usually due to weakness or tightness, or both. Patients may experience constipation, straining, or pain during bowel movements, pain or pressure in the rectum, a heavy feeling in the pelvis or a bulge in the rectum, muscle spasms in the pelvis, and pain and discomfort with sitting.

If you experience any of these symptoms, it’s important to seek professional evaluation from a physical therapist who specializes in pelvic floor dysfunction. At Rebalance PT, our team of experts can diagnose these issues based on patient history and physical examination. We offer a variety of treatment options to help alleviate pain and discomfort, including pelvic floor muscle strengthening and relaxation, manual therapy, and biofeedback.

Contact Rebalance Physical Therapy Today! 

In conclusion, pain with sitting can be caused by a variety of issues, including pudendal neuralgia, ischiogluteal bursitis, and pelvic floor dysfunction. If you experience any of these symptoms, don’t hesitate to reach out to the team at Rebalance PT for professional evaluation and treatment. We’re here to help you get back to living a pain-free life.

Contact us by clicking the link HERE, or by calling us at 267-282-1301. We offer free consultations, and online support to help you sort out your pain while sitting. 


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