How to Wear a Face Mask, According to Rooney

Dog in a Face Mask

Face masks are becoming one of the simplest and most effective ways to stop the spread of COVID-19. Our patients have been great about wearing masks in the practice, but we’ve noticed that some masks fit poorly or aren’t being worn properly.

Rooney Wants to Know: How do you wear a face mask properly?

Quick quiz: Rooney wants to know which of these pictures is the correct way to wear a face mask?

Dog in a Face Mask

How to Wear A Face Mask

The correct (and safest) answer is C: Rooney has the face mask covering his nose and mouth. This keeps any droplets from your nose and mouth contained in the mask.

This video gives a great visual for how face masks work to prevent the spread of COVID-19:

CDC Guidelines for Wearing a Mask

These are the CDC guidelines for wearing a mask:

  • –Wash your hands before putting on your face covering
  • –Put it over your nose and mouth and secure it under your chin
  • –Try to fit it snugly against the sides of your face
  • –Make sure you can breathe easily

You can read more about CDC guidelines here.

Other Things to Consider:

When picking your mask, we suggest:

  • –Make sure it fits. It should cover your mouth and nose entirely. There should be no gaps.
  • –Try to get one that has a metal bar in the top. This lets you mold the top of the mask to the shape of your face (which keeps it from fogging up your glasses!).

It’s also important to:

  • –Resist touching and adjusting your mask. The germs on the outside will then get on your hands, which can spread if you touch your face before washing them.
  • –Remove your mask from the ear loops so you don’t touch the actual mask.
  • –After you remove your mask, fold it up and put it into a designated bag. Don’t put it directly into your pocket or purse.

Rebalance and COVID-19

If you want to learn more about the precautions we’re taking at Rebalance, click here to read more.

If you’re not comfortable coming to the office, we’re offering TeleHealth visits to help our patients manage their symptoms and treat pain. Click here to learn more about our Telehealth options.

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