Rebalance’s Response to Coronavirus Rebalance PT COVID-19 Protocol: What We Are Doing to Keep Everyone Safe

Coronavirus Update - Hina Sheth


We’re living through some unprecedented times right now. Our hearts go out to those of you have loved ones who are suffering due to COVID-19. 

Our government has categorized Rebalance Physical Therapy as an essential and life-sustaining ancillary health facility and therefore we will remain open unless we are told otherwise.

At Rebalance, we maintain the best hygienic environment that we can. However, due to COVID-19 we are taking even more precautionary measures with CDC guidelines to maintain the healthiest and safest environment for our facility, clients and staff members. 

At Rebalance, we believe the body works in a holistic and integrative way. This means that muscle health, organ function and the immune system all have an indirect effect on each other. We feel that if we are helping people have less pain and improve function, they will feel less stressed, which can help their immune system function properly. 

Here are the measures we are taking at our clinic:


    • Our Narberth location has a whole-office air ionization/purification unit installed. We are looking to install this technology in our Center City office as soon as possible.
    • Hand sanitizer is available immediately upon entry, in each treatment room, and in the waiting room. Patients are required to wash or sanitize their hands before and after every session.
    • Therapists use no-touch thermometers to check each patient’s temperature before beginning the appointment as well as verbally screen for symptoms or possible Covid-19 exposure.
    • Rebalance Staff will also take their own temperatures before the start of each day.
    • Therapists are required to wash their hands for 20-30 seconds before and after every treatment.
    • Bathrooms are cleaned with disinfectant spray regularly and stocked with antibacterial hand soap.
    • We disinfect treatment tables after every client.
    • Fresh-washed linens are available for every client.
    • All equipment and therapy tools are wiped down between each client.
    • Face masks are required at all times by patients, staff, and any other individual (mail persons, maintenance, etc.)
    • Plexiglass is installed at our front desk, completely separating the front office from the waiting area.
    • Therapists will be using gloves for every client.
    • Therapists will be using face shields and/or goggles as appropriate.
    • Door knobs and light switches will be wiped down every hour.
    • Our lobby and treatment chairs will be wiped down every hour.
    • All other surfaces will be wiped down throughout the day.
    • Staff are required to launder their clothes used for that day.
    • To limit the number of people in/out of our building, we are asking patients to come to their appointments alone unless the attendance of a caregiver is required.
    • We are requesting that patients limit their time in the lobby by waiting in their car until right before their appointment time when possible.
    • Because we are a one-on-one treatment facility, most of your session will be spent in a closed, private treatment room with just your therapist.
    • There is a maximum of 1-2 clients in our gym area so we can maintain the six-foot distance recommended by the CDC.

Together, we will get through this and we will be stronger than we were before. Take care and stay healthy and safe! 

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