Rectal Pain and the Pelvic Floor – It’s NOT your Hemorrhoids

male pelvic pain

Often, rectal pain, burning, itching or numbness is mistaken for hemorrhoids when it’s actually the pelvic floor. Imbalances in the muscles of the pelvic floor can trigger symptoms that are similar to hemorrhoids.

How does the pelvic floor cause rectal pain?

The pelvic floor muscles attach at the front and the back of the pelvis and span all the openings in the pelvis. If you’re having discomfort in the rectal area – or any area in this region – the pelvic floor muscles could be involved.

If you’re dealing with a pain issue, you might have tensioning in these muscles. Within the tight muscles of the pelvic floor, you can get taut bands known as trigger points. Those trigger points can create pain locally or spread outward into the penis and scrotum for men and in the vaginal/abdominal area for women.

You can get tension in the muscles of the pelvic floor the same way you do on any other part of your body. Anyone can develop tension in the pelvic floor through daily stress and anxiety.

If you’ve had surgery, such as hip replacements, labral surgery or abdominal surgery, it could be a predisposing factor to creating pain in this area.  Additionally, any bladder issue, stomach issue or Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Endometriosis, vaginal or gynecological issue can create tension in this area.

Treating Rectal Pain from Pelvic Floor Dysfunction

It’s important to balance the muscles of the pelvic floor and make sure the body is in good alignment to ensure there are no muscles over working to compensate.

If you’re experiencing rectal pain, click here to schedule a complimentary phone consultation with one of our physical therapists to discuss your symptoms.  

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