Pain in the A$$? 4 Booty-Kicking Culprits to Blame for Your Butt Pain

Butt Pain

Pain in the A$$? Butt Pain – Explained!

Have you been feeling a real pain in the behind lately? No, we’re not talking about your boss (although they might be a culprit too). We’re talking about butt pain – the kind that can make even sitting a real pain in the you-know-what.

So, what’s causing all this rumpus? Here are four culprits to watch out for:

  1. Lumbar spine referral pain: Have you ever felt pain in your butt that seems to be coming from nowhere? Well, one possible culprit is lumbar spine referral pain. It happens when the nerves that travel down from the low back get irritated and send pain signals to the buttocks area. This type of pain is often described as a dull ache, and it can be relieved by changing positions or lying down. However, the best way to treat this type of pain is to seek help from a physical therapist who can help relieve the pain.
  2. Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction: Another common cause of butt pain is sacroiliac joint dysfunction. This happens when the sacroiliac joint, which connects the sacrum to the pelvis, becomes inflamed or irritated. It can be caused by various factors, such as pregnancy, arthritis, or trauma. Symptoms of this type of pain can include a dull ache or sharp pain on one side of the buttocks. If you suspect that you have sacroiliac joint dysfunction, it’s important to see a provider who can diagnose and treat the condition.
  3. Muscle Misery: The buttocks are home to several large muscles, including the gluteus maximus, piriformis, and hamstrings. If any of these muscles get strained or injured, they can cause pain in the butt area. For example, piriformis syndrome occurs when the piriformis muscle, which runs from the sacrum to the hip joint, gets tight or inflamed and presses on the sciatic nerve. This can cause pain in the butt and down the leg. Treatment for muscle-related butt pain often involves physical therapy, massage, and stretching exercises.
  4. Coccyx Conundrum: Finally, another possible cause of butt pain is injury to the coccyx or tailbone. This can happen if you fall on your butt or experience trauma to the area. Symptoms of coccyx pain can include pain or tenderness in the tailbone area, pain during sitting or bowel movements, and pain during sexual intercourse. Treatment for coccyx pain often involves rest, and physical therapy.

In addition to seeking medical help for these culprits, there are also several ways to help prevent or reduce butt pain.

  1. Mind Your Posture: Slouching can put extra pressure on your backside, so sit up straight and consider using a lumbar roll or doughnut pillow for extra support.
  2. Get Moving: Walking is a great way to alleviate pain in the buttocks region, so set a daily goal for yourself and hit the pavement (or treadmill, if that’s more your speed).
  3. Stretch It Out: Tight hamstrings or glutes can exacerbate your pain, so try some simple stretches to loosen things up. If you’re not sure where to start, your physical therapist can give you some pointers.
  4. See a PT: If your pain persists, it’s time to call in the big guns. A physical therapist can help diagnose the underlying issue and create a personalized plan to get you back in the game (or at least back to sitting comfortably).

Don’t let butt pain be a pain in the butt! While there are several possible culprits for your discomfort, there are also plenty of ways to prevent and alleviate it. From simple adjustments in posture to targeted exercises and stretches, you have the power to take control of your pain. If you’re still struggling, remember that the team at Rebalance Physical Therapy is here to help. We specialize in diagnosing and treating a wide range of conditions, including buttock pain. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and let us help you get back to feeling your best!

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