The C Section Solution (Sales Page)

Welcome to The C-Section Solution!

Ready to recover from your c-section the right way?

Then watch this video or scroll below.

How is it that we know the algorithm to get a man to the MOON but we don’t have specific guidance on how to help woman recover from a C- section?????

For Real???

This was the exact thought I had after my C-section….and I’ve been a pelvic floor physical therapist for 21 years!

So if this was going through my head then I am sure it is going through yours and likely many other women.

If you are on this page then you are either getting ready for your C-section or you already had a C-section recently or in past 1,2,3 YEARS!!!

For those getting ready or recently had one the I can’t STRESS ENOUGH how important it is to get proper guidance and rehabilitation to prevent short and long term issues. I’m sure you have questions such as:

1. Do I bind?
2. When can I start doing core exercise?
3. Should I work on my scar and how do I do that?
4. Is okay that I still look pregnant after so many months?
5….and many many more

For those of you who already had one…I am willing to bet you were not given ANY FORMAL INSTRUCTION on what to do afterwards and are now feeling the results of inappropriate rehabilitation.

I am Hina Sheth, owner of Rebalance Physical Therapy, orthopedic and pelvic floor therapist for 21 years.

We know how FRUSTRATING it can be figuring out how to heal yourself properly and having to take care of a newborn. I hear it everyday from my clients.

We know that doctors and other health care professionals have NO IDEA when it comes to recovery of the abdominal muscles and pelvic floor how to guide you on specifics…BUT some of you are lucky you because you have a GYN/midwife/nurse practitioner or doula that has guided you to this program…

Finally an at HOME PROGRAM, developed by a pelvic floor/ orthopedic physical therapist that has actual experience in rehabbing herself.

Myself and my colleagues created this program out of my own FRUSTRATIONS during recovery but also from all the women we have treated at our own clinic who have the same questions and concerns.

Many don’t realized the long term affects of incomplete or inadequate rehabilitation can have on everything from back pain to organs falling….YES I did say ORGANS FALLING…

So join me in this program to feel empowered, educated and instructed step by step from DAY 1 post surgery to get your body healed properly by the experts in post-partum care.


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