Occipital Neuralgia and Headaches Treatment – Philadelphia & Narberth Main Line

Occipital Neuralgia is inflammation of the nerves that give you sensation in the back of the head and cause you to experience headaches and other types of pain. These nerves can get irritated, usually because of an imbalance around the head/neck, upper back, shoulder, shoulder blade.

Tensioning in the muscles around the head and neck causes the muscles to squeeze on the nerves, which can cause burning, irritation and/or sharp shooting pain in the back of the head. It can also trigger headaches, vision changes or other issues.

Causes of Occipital Neuralgia

1. Any Type of Trauma

A fall, car accident, sports accident, concussion or anything that gives you a whiplash or far of the head. This can trigger a lot of tensioning and compression around these nerves and the musculature, which can lead to occipital neuralgia headaches.

2. Postural Adaptation Changes:

The alignment of your posture affects how your muscles work. If you’ve had an injury, particularly to your shoulder, neck or back, those muscles will compensate accordingly. Even alignment issues all the way into your pelvis can affect the muscles of your neck. This compensation can cause tensioning in your head and neck, which can lead to Occipital Neuralgia.

3. Stress

Stress can cause tensioning in the musculature around the head and neck, and trigger off headaches.

Other symptoms/conditions:

  • *Back and neck pain
  • *Shoulder injury, such as frozen shoulder or shoulder impingement
  • *Rib pain or injury

Occipital Neuralgia Headache Treatment

You should have this evaluated and treated by someone who understands how the body is integrated together. The musculature and fascia around the joints should be treated, as well as the joints, such as the head, neck, shoulder and shoulder blade, surrounding it as well.

The joints and muscles have been compensating for the tensioning and need to be reeducated, otherwise they will create a continuous irritation, either on the nerves or muscles.

Click here to schedule your complimentary phone consultation with one of our Narberth or Philadelphia physical therapists and discuss your symptoms.

Additional Reading on Headaches

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