Brand New Air Ionization System at the Narberth Location


We are thrilled with our new, whole-office ionization system recently installed at Rebalance Physical Therapy’s Narberth location! Designed and built by Global Plasma Solutions, their needlepoint bipolar ionization (NPBI®) technology thoroughly purifies the air by reducing airborne particulates, odors, and pathogens. The system works by safely creating and dispersing ions through our office HVAC system. These ions seek out and bond with airborne particles that are then filtered out of the space, reducing the effectiveness of certain viruses by >90%. Plus, GPS’ NPBI® technology generates ions without producing ozone or other harmful byproducts! You can learn more about our new air purification system and effectiveness testing here.

We are committed to the highest safety and cleaning standards at Rebalance Physical Therapy. Our new, whole-office ionization system is the next step in keeping everyone—our patients and our staff—safe and healthy.


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