Rebalance Telehealth Options: 2021 Update

Back in June we posted that we offer Telehealth visit options at Rebalance.  We explained a little about what we do with Telehealth visits and how that applies to physical therapy care.  If you would like to learn more about the specifics of Telehealth visits at Rebalance, please follow this link:

Over the last 10 months, we continued both in-person and Teleheath options for patients amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.  Many of you have called and made Telehealth appointments because you felt more comfortable due to quarantine restrictions or concerns about about viral exposure.  

Now that we are in 2021, we wanted to share an update on Rebalance’s Telehealth options. We are happy to report that there have been a number of clients who have opted for Telehealth visits in lieu of in-person treatment at Rebalance.  

Here are some of the topics we have addressed with Telehealth during the past 10 months:

  • Pelvic Pain
  • Pregnancy and postpartum recovery
  • Orthopedic conditions like rotator cuff impingement and hip impingement/femoral acetabular impingement
  • Back pain
  • Interstitial cystitis
  • Overuse injuries like plantarfascitis and patellofemoral pain
  • Constipation 
  • Painful intercourse or dyspareunia
  • Exercises-related injuries from equipment such as the Peloton bike, treadmill, rowing machine, etc. because of the increase in at-home workouts
  • Ergonomic injuries related to less than optimal posture while working from home
  • Exercise-related injuries and modifications for home exercises including HIIT training, strength training, yoga, and Pilates

We will continue to offer Telehealth visits as part of our practice at Rebalance. Telehealth visits will continue as a stand-alone option or as a flexible option for all patients.  This means that you can choose between an in-person or Telehealth visit interchangeably with your care and you do not need to change your appointment time or schedule to do this.  

If you are choosing to come for treatment in-person, we have newly implemented the use of an ionization unit in addition to our other treatment safety protocols.  

We also want to take this time to wish you all a happy and healthy New Year and to thank you for your cooperation and patronage over the last 10 months!  We are grateful to have great clients here are Rebalance Physical Therapy.  We feel fortunate to work with you and we want to thank you for your ongoing commitment to health.  

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