PT for Postpartum Pain

We see it almost every day—commercials on TV and ads in magazines encouraging women to lose that baby weight! Of course, getting their body back after giving birth is important to many women, but it is just as important to get back in shape internally as well. Luckily, physical therapy is not just for those who have just had surgery or broken a bone; it can help women treat those pains and problems that result from giving birth as well. So, new moms, if you are looking for solutions to help your body bounce back, remember that you need to heal from the inside out. Consulting a physical therapist before you begin an exercise regimen is a great start. You definitely do not want to make those aches and pains worse!

Up to 70 percent of women who are pregnant or have just given birth struggle with low back pain.Other common issues include long-lasting musculoskeletal pain, urinary and/or fecal incontinence, scarring, perineal or episiotomy tearing and pain with intercourse. Many of these issues stem from the pelvic floor, which supports the abdominal organs and the openings of the vagina and anus. The pelvic floor undergoes a lot of stress during childbirth, and so, it can end up weak, achy and dysfunctional as a result. Some more serious postpartum issues associated with the pelvic floor include prolapse, a condition in which organs supported by the pelvic floor, such as the uterus, slip or fall out of place due to pelvic muscle weakness. While Kegels exercises are often verbally given as an exercise to perform, studies show that many women are performing them incorrectly. Also, many women who are experiencing more pain should often avoid performing Kegel exercises as they could make these pains worse.

This is where physical therapists who specialize in work on the pelvic floor, like those at Rebalance, can help! Rebalance therapists are experts in treating these postpartum problems, aches, pains and injuries. We use specific manual or hands-on techniques to assess the body holistically and treat the areas that have changed after delivery. Specific trigger point, myofascial and joint techniques are used to improve the musculoskeletal tissue and joints to increase blood flow in the tissue connecting all bones, muscles and organs.These techniques will also help increase scar tissue elasticity and help realign the hips and pelvis after they have endured a lot of pressure. Through methods like soft tissue mobilization, in which the therapist uses pressure to move a muscle from a shortened to lengthened state, even the pain and appearance from scarring associated with childbirth can be treated. Rebalance therapists will also teach you exercises to relieve discomfort on your own as well as exercise modifications that fit your unique needs.

It may be hard to juggle getting your body back in shape with taking care of a new baby, but you deserve time to bounce back from those aches and pains!Contact Rebalance physical therapists to pamper your post-baby body and recover from the inside out!

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