Prevent Hip, Knee and Foot Pain from Jog-itis with these SIMPLE Exercises

Since gyms are closed and there’s not much else to do, many people have started running and walking more frequently. If you’ve taken up running as a new sport, or just to get in shape, you might start to experience all sorts of aches and pains, such as foot issues, heel pain, plantar fasciitis or knee pain. At Rebalance, we call this “Jog-itis.”

If you’re taking up running, or just walking for exercise more frequently than usual, it’s important to:

  1. 1. Make sure you are wearing a good pair of shoes and the soles are in tact. Don’t walk in flip flops – always wear really good, supportive shoes. 
  2. 2. Start slow! Maybe start with a mile or so and work your way up over a few weeks. Don’t start off running every day. 

Stretches to Prevent Jog-Itis

Here are two stretches and one strengthening exercises to help prepare your body for running. 

1. Calf Stretch

It’s important to stretch your calves, because when you’re walking and running, you want to be able to have flexibility to flex your foot. When people develop foot pain, often it is because they don’t have enough flexibility in their calf. 

  1. 1. Face the wall and step one leg back. 
  2. 2. Keep your back leg knee straight and bring your heel toward the floor.
  3. 3. Lean forward and do a little lunge toward the wall. You should feel a stretch in your back leg calf. Hold 30 seconds to a minute.
  4. 4. Do the same stretch again, but this time keep the heel down and bend your back knee slightly. You’ll feel that stretch a little lower into the calf. 
  5. 5. Hold for 30 seconds to a minute and switch sides. 

Make sure you do both stretches to get the entire calf. 

2. Hip Flexor Stretch 

If you’re sitting more than usual, it’s important to do this stretch to combat tight hip flexors.

  1. 1. Come into a half kneeling position. 
  2. 2. Tuck your tailbone under. You’re going to feel your pelvis rotate backward. Almost immediately you’ll feel a stretch in the front. 
  3. 3. You can stay there or lean forward and keep your tailbone tucked to intensify the stretch. 
  4. 4. Hold 30-60 seconds and switch sides. 

3. Hip Stabilizing Exercise. 

This exercise is important to keep your hip stabilizers strong. What tends to happen is most people are pretty weak in these side hip muscles.

  1. 1. Lie on your side. 
  2. 2. Bend your bottom leg and keep your top leg straight. Make sure the top leg is in line with your body, but behind the bent leg.
  3. 3. Lift your top leg, keeping your foot forward. 
  4. 4. Hold for a couple of seconds, and bring it back down. Do 10-15 reps, 2-3 sets on each side. 

You’ll feel the muscles in the back of the upper hip working. It should not be uncomfortable or painful. You should NOT be feeling this in your front. 

Between those stretches and side leg stretches, that should be beneficial for those of you who are starting to run, walk or jog AKA jog-its. 

Still having pain from Jog-itis?

If you’re still experiencing quite a bit of pain or discomfort and its something you want to have addressed, we’re doing TeleHealth sessions.

During these sessions, we will take you through a functional movement evaluation. This can help us figure out what’s going on, and we can give you more targeted exercises/stretches to address the issue. For more information, click here to request to schedule a Telehealth Session. 

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