Our TOP 7 kitchen gift picks for your WISH LIST!!

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Knife Sharpener

When was the last time you sharpened your knives??? Think about the excessive force your hands, shoulder, neck has to use for all that repetitive chopping??? So many people don’t sharpen their knives and are “wowed” after they feel the difference between chopping with a sharp versus dull knives. And if you don’t have a solid group of gourmet knives…then that is what you need to get first!!

Chopping Block

Curtesy of one of my clients. She says that using a raised chopping block has helped decreased the strain on her back and neck! Makes sense…bring the counter up to you and you won’t have to hunch over!

Sink Protector

Curtesy of another client. She says this metal grid not only allows dirty water to run right under the dishes when you are cleaning them…but it raises the sink up to you. Again helping to decrease strain on your back and neck.

Jar Gripper

How many of you are handing a jar over for your partner to open? One of my favorites and so simple. Buy this and you will never have to ask for help and it will save your hands and prevent tennis elbow! Good stocking stuffer too.

Popcorn Popper over the stove

I know I know! You might be thinking…Really? This is what I thought when I got mine as a white elephant gift…”I GOT SHAFTED” on the gift exchange. HOWEVER! This has become my favorite gift to give to friends that love popcorn or who have kids. The popcorn taste awesome (sorry I don’t like microwave or air popped stuff)….so this is awesome way to get that stove top flavor, without burning your popcorn and saving your arms, neck and back. It’s awesome. Just use some olive oil and popcorn salt and that’s it for the best tasting popcorn.

Easy Garlic Peeler

How many of you get to that part of the recipe that calls for garlic. This is the one thing I hate about cooking with garlic is PEELING IT! Super frustrating. But after I bought this little guy…I just get my kids to do it 😉 Also a great stocking stuffer.

Small Electric Wisk

Love this because you can use it for frothing mild and whisking eggs without straining your arms and elbows. Awesome.

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