Finding Relief for Herniated Discs: 1 Holistic Approach


Finding Relief for Herniated Discs: A Holistic Approach

herniated disc

Our backs are the pillars that support us, allowing us to stand tall and resilient. Imagine them as a stack of 33 interlocking puzzle pieces, each providing strength and stability. Just like any well-designed machine, our bodies are equipped with shock absorbers to counteract the impact of injuries and accidents. Enter the gelatin-filled intervertebral discs, resembling jelly-filled donuts, nestled between these vertebral puzzle pieces. Sometimes, these discs can rupture with an audible pop – a herniated disc – leading to persistent, unwavering lower back pain that can shoot up the spine and even extend to the neck.

Herniated discs, once ruptured, can leak fluid and bulge out of their intended positions.

These bulges exert pressure on the nerves within the spinal cord, causing a range of discomfort. While the initial sign often manifests as consistent lower back pain, more severe symptoms may include muscular numbness, weakness, and pain radiating through the legs, buttocks, and feet. In rare cases, excessive pressure on the spinal cord can trigger issues such as bowel and bladder dysfunction.

Now, the question arises: “Why does this occur?” Beyond instances of blunt trauma, herniated discs often develop due to imbalances and postural shifts within the body.

Over time, these imbalances, spanning from head to toe, accumulate pressure on the lower lumbar vertebrae. An ongoing history of nagging lower back pain and discomfort while sitting – the constant need to shift positions – can indicate the presence of these imbalances. Gradually, this pressure imbalance weakens the outer layers of the discs. Everyday actions like lifting or bending suddenly escalate into sharp, intense pain, complicating even the simplest tasks like standing up from a bent position.

Fortunately, the road to recovery from herniated discs frequently bypasses surgery, favoring non-surgical approaches such as physical therapy.

Within a span of one to six months, many patients find relief and healing. The key lies in a comprehensive approach that incorporates manual therapy and targeted stabilization exercises. However, the pivotal factor is ensuring that the manual therapy and exercise sequence are precisely tailored to your needs. Incorrect overexertion or improper stretches could exacerbate the pain and contribute to the initial rupture. Reclaiming strength and flexibility requires a carefully curated routine, and this is precisely where Rebalance physical therapists come into play.

At Rebalance, our approach is holistic. We evaluate your body as a whole, recognizing the imbalances that may have accumulated over time. Our treatment regimen encompasses fascial, muscle, and joint work, alongside focused efforts to strengthen and lengthen these imbalances. Our assessment spans from head to toe, unraveling the underlying causes of the herniation and creating a roadmap for restoration. We’re not just treating symptoms; we’re addressing the root issues to help you regain function and vitality.

In summary, herniated discs need not be a life sentence of discomfort. Through the expertise and guidance of Rebalance physical therapists, you can embark on a transformative journey towards recovery. Say goodbye to persistent pain and hello to a balanced, pain-free life.

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