7 Essential Tips to Improve Your Posture for a Healthier You


Every mother says it at some point in time regarding posture: “Stand up straight! Sit up straight!” But what does this really mean?


We hear it all the time from our patients that come in: “I have horrible posture. My posture could be better.” Incorrect posture can damage the spine, knees, and shoulders, causing us to have a hunched over appearance. It can cause ligaments to strain over time and cause bone to change shape and eventually create arthritic change.

When we have good posture, our muscles work together with gravity to hold our bodies in correct alignment while sitting or standing.

Your body works more efficiently without strain. Poor posture can develop over time due to subconscious habits, but we can all make a conscious effort to perfect it again!

There are many habits that can negatively affect posture that we are often unaware of. These habits throw off the structure of our bodies by causing joint pain, reduced muscle functionality, and tightened ligaments, back muscles, and hamstrings.

This hinders our ability to exercise effectively, bear weight, gain muscle, and breathe deeply. It can also push the chest cavity inwards over time, leading to cardiovascular and circulatory problems.

Examples of habits that can lead to bad posture include holding our heads forward, hunching while sitting, taking infrequent breaks with our desk jobs (leading to a pelvis that is rotated backward), and one-legged standing.

Now, let’s delve into the 7 essential tips to help you improve your posture:

Self-Reflection On Your Posture:

Start by assessing your posture. When looking at full-body photos of yourself from a side view, ask yourself: Can you see your shoulder blades? If so, your back is too hunched. Does your earlobe extend past the midpoint of your shoulder? If so, your neck is likely being strained.

Do your hips appear to tip forward, creating a “belly pooch”? This could be an indicator of an increased anterior pelvic tilt.

Awareness Of Your Posture:

Pay attention to your body’s positioning throughout the day. Make a conscious effort to stand and sit with proper posture. Keep your shoulders back, your chin up, and your back straight.


Ensure that your workspace, whether at the office or at home, is set up to support good posture. Adjust your chair, desk, and computer monitor to promote a neutral spine position.

Regular Breaks:

Avoid sitting for extended periods without breaks. Set a timer to remind yourself to stand, stretch, and walk around for a few minutes every hour.


Incorporate posture-improving exercises into your fitness routine. Strengthen your core, back, and neck muscles to support a more upright posture.

Holistic Approach:

Consider seeking the expertise of a holistic manual physical therapist. They can provide personalized evaluations and hands-on treatments to address deeper underlying issues affecting your posture.


Improving your posture is an ongoing process. Stay committed to making the necessary adjustments and seeking professional guidance as needed.

With good posture comes improved flexibility and less strain on the body. Sometimes working on your posture is something you can do on your own, but often it takes the skill and expertise of a holistic manual physical therapist to help you figure out what to do.

Everyone can re-train their body to prevent posture-related pain and injuries, and this is where a Rebalance therapist can help! Your therapist will give you a personal full body evaluation to determine if your posture is problematic and use a hands-on approach to help you perfect your posture once again.

By following these tips and making a conscious effort to improve your posture, you can enjoy a healthier, more comfortable, and pain-free life. Contact us at rebalance today for more information! 

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