The Male Pelvic Pain Solution (Sales Page)

The Male Pelvic Pain Solution

Ready to Get Your Symptoms Under Control?

Then Watch This Video or Scroll Below

If you are on this page then we know you have been SUFFERING for weeks, months and for many of you YEARS!!!

We know how FRUSTRATING it has been dealing with this issue that seemed to come out of no where….how doctors and other health care professionals are giving you the run around WITHOUT A CLEAR REASON for why you are feeling this way!!!

We know you are feeling like you are running in CIRCLES, CONFUSED, possibly FEARFUL that your issues will NEVER resolve because no one knows what is going on.



That’s because everything I am saying is what we hear EVERYDAY in our clinic and also on all the calls I have with people just like you.

How do I know these things?

Well because I have been treated hundreds of clients, LIKE YOU, with SUCCESS!

You have most likely suffering from a condition called chronic pelvic pain syndrome that involves your pelvic floor muscles and WE CAN HELP!

So if you have any or many of the following symptoms….THEN you can’t afford to let this keep going UNRESOLVED! Believe me it will NOT magically disappear (even though I know many of you hope it will)….

  • Testicular, scrotal, penile, epididymitis pain, tightness, pressure
  • Golf ball pressure in your rectum
  • Lower abdominal pain, pressure, tightness
  • Rectal, tailbone, buttock pain, pressure, tightness
  • Urinary pain, hesitation, frequency, burning, spasming
  • Pain or tightness with bowl movements
  • Pain with sitting in the buttock or saddle region
  • Pain during or after intercourse
  • Clothing intolerance
  • Sharp, shooting, stabbing pain around the groin, hip, low back and pelvis

I am Hina Sheth, orthopedic and pelvic floor therapist, with over 20 years of experience treating these symptoms with significant success and now we have developed an at HOME PROGRAM, using tools that we teach our own clients to help them reduce and eliminate symptoms.

Our program helps you understand your condition and get you to get control of your symptoms with just 15-20 minutes per day for 6 weeks with over 40 videos!



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