I want purple dots like Michael Phelps!

First off…what are those purple dots on Michael Phelps??? So much BUZZ going on about this…. It looks something medieval torture marks doesn’t it!…But it’s actually a form of alternative medicine called “cupping”.

Cupping gets it’s origin in Chinese Medicine. The thought behind cupping is to increase and improve energy flow through suction to help heal everything from colds, anxiety, poor circulation to various aches and pains. There is not much scientific evidence behind cupping however one thing I feel it can definitely help is improving fascial tightness.

We at Rebalance are very familiar cupping and we use a variation of this is one type of treatment to heal stubborn injuries. Many of our therapists use this technique, along with many others, as an adjunct therapy to help improve myofascial tone.

Cupping is not painful ….the red marks are just capillaries that have broken as blood is working it’s way onto the surface. The marks last a few days and do not leave any permanent scarring. There are many different forms of cupping…ones that a glass globe is heated and applied to the skin, there is a pump cupping and lastly a suction. At Rebalance we use the latter two mainly to break up myofascial restriction and increase it’s movement.

So what does cupping feel like? Well come see for yourself and see if it could help your injury. Throughout the month of August, I will be doing some complimentary “30 minute discovery sessions” so you we can feel what cupping is all about and see if this therapy would help your injury. Simply reply to this email and let us get you signed up or you can call Cynthia at 267-282-1301.

Happy Cupping!!!

Article written by Hina Sheth.


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