It feel like there’s pressure in my pelvis!

The deepest layer of your pelvic floor is the levator ani. When these deep muscles of the pelvic floor become spasmed, it can create a feeling of pressure in your pelvis.

When the levator ani is spasmed, patients often say, “I feel like…

  • …there’s something stuck in my rectum.”
  • …there’s a golf ball in my rectum.”
  • …when I sit, there’s a ton of pressure.”
  • …there’s a lot of pressure in my rectum or vagina.”
  • … there’s pain my scrotal and testicular area.”
  • … it feels like I have a UTI.”
  • …my tailbone hurts every time I sit.”
  • … it’s uncomfortable to drive in my car for long periods of time.”

You might have some or all of the symptoms. Or perhaps your pain moves around within your pelvis to your groin, vagina/penis and then back.

Why does the Levator Ani become spasmed?

There are many reasons that the levator ani muscles can become spasmed. Here are some of the causes:

1. Orthopedic Condition:

An orthopedic condition, such as hip trauma, back issues, a sudden fall on your tailbone or surgery in and around that area can irritate the muscles and cause them to spasm.

2. Stress:

If you tend to hold stress in your pelvic floor muscles, which can tense under duress just like any other muscle group, this can eventually cause the levator ani muscles to go into spasm.

3. Sexual Trauma:

Sexual trauma can cause a subconscious tightening of the pelvic floor musculature. This tightening might have been going on for a while, but symptoms are now showing up.

4. Chronic Inflammation:

If you have a condition that has been causing you inflammation over the years, such as chronic constipation, IBS, Chrohn’s disease, endometriosis or chronic UTI or yeast infections, it can eventually surrounding irritate the tissue. Eventually, this can trickle down to the levator ani muscles.

Levator Ani Syndrome Treatment

It’s important to work with a holistic pelvic floor physical therapist to release the deep muscles of the pelvic floor. If you think you might be suffering from levator ani syndrome, click here to schedule a complimentary phone consultation with one of our physical therapists.

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